Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I've been a very, very bad blogger lately. I have my reasons. A lot's been going on! We've been busy getting ready for Halloween over here. Emma's going to be a pink and purple butterfly. It's the cutest costume I've ever seen - I'll be sure to get lots of pictures.

With all of the Halloween festivities, Emma's been having nightmares. She get scared of strange things very easily. We went to a pumpkin patch to get our "big" pumpkin and she saw a blow-up display of 3 witches stirring a pot. She was terrified. That led to her, screaming hysterically from the time we put her down to sleep until around 11:00PM. It's really sad. There's almost nothing worse in the world than the sound of your baby being scared.

Pardon the blur - the lighting was horrible!

Lots of things have induced nightmares lately. There's a rocking horse at my mom's office that scares her, our Jack-o-Lantern, a Snoopy singing toy that Brad's mom got her last Halloween (that was the WORST!). It's terrible. I'm really ready for Halloween to be over with so that she won't have such a hard time.

She's usually an excellent sleeper. She goes down to bed around 8:30 and sleeps until around 9:30 the next morning without waking up. She takes 2, 1-2.5 hour naps a day. She has a tendency to play in her crib for quite awhile before falling asleep though.

She's running everywhere! She's a busy little bee. She's talking up a storm as well. I sat down and made a quick list of her words:



More (word and sign)








Milk (sign)

Finished (sign)

Swing “weeeeee!”






Shit (my fault – I dropped something and said it and she repeated – but she’s only said it twice!!)




Bark, bark, bark (her version of a dog sound)

She recently got a new toy that she LOVES! A family that my mom sees at work was getting rid of a HUGE school bus toy that their son had outgrown. Brad went to pick it up for us and Emma LOVES it! You can tell by the pictures. Her favorite thing to do with it is climb it :( In fact, she'll climb just about anything these days.

She also got some new shoes! She has tiny feet - she wears a size 4 wide. Short, fat, little feet!

Another thing that's been going on is my Dad's chemotherapy treatments. He's been having a really tough time with them. He's had 2 treatments so far and is suffering a LOT from the stomach issues that go along with them. We're hoping and praying that it's doing some good and that he'll feel better soon.

I promise to be a better blogger soon!!

Happy Halloween!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

We had SUCH a busy and fun weekend! Friday was our 5 year wedding anniversary, so Brad's mom came over and watched Emma while we went to dinner and to run a few errands. Saturday we got up early to get on the road to Berry Patch Farms for the Pumpkin Patch! Every year my mom's company (Lekotek) has an event there, and we never miss it. Here's a post about last year's pumpkin patch adventures. This year it was SO much more fun! Our friends Mary and Jack met us there, and Emma was enthralled. There were animals to look at (turkey, baby cow, pigs, etc.) and tons of pumpkins. We took a hayride out to the pumpkin patch and Emma went to work picking out the best baby pumpkins she could find. She thought they tasted pretty good too!

When we got to the part of the patch with the BIG pumpkins, Emma was so excited that she never even turned around so that I could get a good picture. Oh well. I had to settle for several cute ones of the back of her head.
After we finished at the pumpkin patch, we hitched a ride on the hay wagon again and went back to the farm stand so that Daddy could pay for the little pumpkins. We discovered last year, it's not worth it to buy our BIG pumpkin there - they are EXPENSIVE!! We'll get that one this week.

As soon as we got back, Grammy found us and took Emma off to play. They had lots of fun. Can you tell??

And, my favorite picture from the entire day...