I can hardly believe that my littlest monkey will be 4 months old so soon. I guess it's time that I did her 3 month update, huh? I'm such a bad blogger now that Abby is here. I have NO spare time these days, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I spend my "spare time" kissing and loving on the 2 sweetest girls in the world.
All About Abby:
She's somewhere around 11-12 lbs the best I can tell. I scheduled her 4 month appointment today, so I'll know her stats soon enough. I'm dreading that appointment - more shots.
Speaking of shots, I'm pretty much following the same vaccine schedule that I did with Emma. I'm delaying the chicken pox vaccine, and waiting to do the MMR until she's 2. It works for us, and I'm comfortable with it, as is my doctor.
Abby is growing SO fast! She loves to stand up, but only wants to be in a sitting position for limited amounts of time. She still loves her swing and sits in it while we eat.
She is learning to reach and grab toys. She has reached for her beads on her changing table for a LONG time, but we're working on grabbing toys. She's TERRIFIED of rattles. No clue why!
She loves to just lay on a blanket and play and be talked to. It's her favorite thing.
She tolerates tummy time, but doesn't have much patience for it. She rolled over from tummy to back this month, but hasn't done it again. She sort of scared herself when she did it!
She cracks up when we jiggle her around. She likes to be messed with!
She gives her Daddy the biggest smiles when he gets home from work.
She's a mama's girl. Big time. She will let most people hold her for a minute, but not much longer. My mom is just about the only exception to that rule. And she usually only calms down for Mama.
She wears 3 month or 0-3 month clothes. 3-6 are too big still. I had to buy several outfits recently for her to wear when it gets cold. All of Emma's winter clothes are 9 months. My guess is that Abby MIGHT be into 6 month clothes by then! She's such a peanut!
She is still spitting up, but not nearly as much.
She's a great sleeper, with only a few weird occasions of waking up. She takes 3 naps a day and sleeps from 8:00 until 8-9:00 AM. She only wakes up once to eat during that span. It's awesome!

She's addicted to her nap schedule - big time. If she misses a nap, we all hear about it. It makes traveling or getting out and about a bit tough. She screams like a wild child and has a hard time settling to nap unless she's in her bed. Reminds me of someone......Emma!
She has started to hate the car, just like her sister. She's significantly better than Emma was at this age though. She only cries if she's sleepy. Unfortunately, that means that if we stay anywhere past about 6:30, she's going to scream all the way home. We've even tried driving with me sitting in the back, squeezed between the 2 carseats. She still screams.
2 Months - 3 Months
She has the tiniest ankles ever. I still can't get socks to stay on the poor thing. Check out the picture of her ankles vs. Emma's at the same age. Explains a lot!
I still can't believe what a chunk Emma was compared to Abby. Or how different they look! Abby is all mama, while Emma was mostly Brad. Right now, Emma's more me when I was her age. It's so funny how they change back and forth!
She fits into our little family so well! She's just perfect.