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Aches and Pains
Today was somewhat eventful. I've been having some strange pains in my pelvic area for about 2 days or so. Not to mention the back pain! I haven't thought much of it, knowing that my belly stretching out was bound to cause some aches and pains. This afternoon it became fairly painful, so I called the doctor's office to make sure it was normal. They wanted me to come right in - can we say, terrified?? They did an exam and determined that the cause had nothing to do with the baby - she's just fine. Apparently, I have something called Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD). When you are pregnant, your body produces a hormone called relaxin, which causes your muscles, joints, ligaments, etc. to stretch to allow for the baby to have plenty of growing room. My body has somehow produced a little too much relaxin. In effect, it has caused my hip/pelvic joints to loosen to the point of my pubic bone being stretched apart - VERY painful. There's nothing that can be done as far as treatment goes. She recommended a chiropractor that specializes in pregnant women, which I may look into if it becomes too painful. Basically, I have to take it easy to avoid unnecessary stretching. I guess that means I can't wrestle my little children anymore!
On another note, the doctor recommended that I have my 20 week ultrasound with a perinatologist (fetal specialist) rather than in their office. Because of my history of miscarriage and my hypothyroid, they want to make sure that everything is perfect with Miss Emma. I think it's a good idea - better safe than sorry. I'd rather have the best for Emma than what's more convenient for us. We've also decided to do a 3D ultrasound this weekend. We're planning on having another one done when I'm further along, but really want a sneak peek of the little lady right now. They'll be able to tell us with certainty that SHE is a SHE and even give us some awesome color photos and a disk to keep of them. I'll be sure to post some pictures when we get them!
Here's a sweet picture that I've stolen from Josh and Carolyn Craddock. Their gorgeous daughter Kaitlyn was born on Monday. We went for a quick visit last night and Josh took this picture of Brad and Kaitlyn - doesn't he look like a natural?? Ok, maybe not quite THAT natural YET, but he'll get plenty of practice!

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