As productive as Saturday was, Sunday was horrible. Brad woke up and we were about to go meet his parents for lunch when he discovered he's got the stomach flu. He's been throwing up all day and can't keep anything down. I wish that I was able to be more sensitive to his needs, but I've been busy trying to sterilize everything he's touched and stay the heck away from him! I've had him strip the bed, clean up after himself, and then I've re-made our bed and moved him into the guest bedroom/office for tonight. I would be the bigger person and move into the guest bed myself, but Lucy will want to be with me and I have a big pregnancy pillow that I have to contend with and there's no way that I'd make it in a bed other than my own. Luckily, he's happy to move and is being a fairly good sport, considering the fact that he's a man, and any man's illness is 10x worse than any illness a woman has EVER had. We're keeping our fingers crossed that it's just a 24 hour bug - not sure how long either one of us can take this!
I'm 21 weeks pregnant this week. It's been a pretty good week. I'm feeling pretty good, aside from the pelvic pain that I'm getting used to having. Emma's doing some serious acrobatics in my belly. She's kicking MUCH harder than the little flutters I felt a few weeks ago. She's also developing some sleeping patterns - she tends to like to wake me up at 4 AM by kicking my bladder over and over again! Brad has felt her kick once, but she's really good at stopping her movements whenever he puts his hand on my belly! She's big enough that you can tell where she is and how she's positioned in my belly. When I sleep on my left side, I wake up with her on my right side. It's cute - Brad told me this morning that he could even SEE where she was. It's the coolest thing ever! It may be my favorite part of being pregnant so far. Knowing that she's growing so big and that I can feel her all the time now is very reassuring. We're even returning the doppler that we rented to hear her heartbeat. She's getting to be a big girl! Here's the 21 week picture that Brad took in her nursery. We still have a lot of work to do, but you can at least see the paint color.
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