I've been suffering from a miserable sore throat this week. No other symptoms, but Brad has informed me that I have been snoring this week VERY loudly. That's surprising because, even as he will happily admit, I have never snored before. My mom said that she started snoring at 6 months pregnant as well. My hope is that the snoring is causing the sore throat but, because strep throat is going around school, I'm going to schedule a strep test this week to be sure.
As many of you probably know, my Grandpa hasn't been doing very well lately. In fact, this week it was looking like we were going to lose him. He's very weak, can barely walk, and hasn't even been able to get out of the bed to eat until Thursday or so. His blood pressure has been incredibly low and he's been scaring us quite a bit. Luckily, he's in Thomson, where my Aunt Claire is a nurse and owns a home health agency. It's been such a blessing to have her so close and to have her medical connections for Grandpa. He's been getting 3 square meals a day and having his every need cared for. Not sure what we'd do without you Claire! He's slowly improving, but it's a day by day process. Please keep him in your prayers.
Here are the obligatory "belly pictures" for the week. Before anyone says "my GOD she's gotten fat!", I'd like to boastfully point out, I'm proud to be 2 pounds LESS than I was before I got pregnant! I know it won't last, but while it does, I'm going to brag!
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