Emma is nursing like a champ. She's sleeping SO much better. In fact, last night she only woke up twice to eat and went straight back down after getting her belly full. Our latch issues are gone and we've really gotten to know one another and have worked out our differences on that front. We've figured out the perfect swaddle for Miss Emma and she sleeps in her co-sleeper like an angel - for the most part.
She weighed 9.8 lbs according to our bathroom scale when I weighed her a few days ago. I'm sure she's at least 10 lbs now. She's graduated to a size 1 diaper. They gave us only size 1 in the hospital because she was so big, but they swallowed her. We have only been using newborn diapers ever since we got home, but her little booty was starting to bust out of them.
Brad told me tonight that she takes after me. Unfortunately, he didn't mean it as a compliment. We've come to determine that Emma has NO patience when it comes to food. She goes from not seeming hungry at all, to so starving that she can't remember ever having eaten before. Her "I'm hungry" cry is more of a blood-curdling scream. She seriously sounds like she's in pain! Hopefully we'll be able to teach her a little more patience once she's old enough to reason with. I'm going to have to pull out all of my best behavior modification tricks early! I knew those college education classes would come in handy at some point!
We've had a bit of a tough week on this end. I started to develop some severe breast pain and Emma was having a tough time stomach-wise. She was just not herself and was pretty fussy. All she wanted to do was nurse and would SCREAM if I put her down. She would occasionally let Brad or my mom hold her, but I could barely even take a 10 minute shower without Brad coming to get me because she was hungry. I think it was a combination of a growth spurt and her stomach hurting.
Long story short, she's got thrush. It's basically an oral yeast infection. The yeast moves to the gut and takes over, causing excess gas and stomach upset. It completely explains the fussiness and stomach ache. After spending the morning on the phone with her pediatrician and my OB (on a Saturday, no less) she was prescribed an anti-fungal and it was determined that I likely have thrush in my milk ducts as well. I go to my OB tomorrow for them to determine whether it's thrush or mastitis. I'm hoping for thrush. We both have to be treated at the same time or we risk passing it back and forth. Ick.
Here are some pictures that we took yesterday and today. Yesterday was Brad's mom's birthday. We haven't taken Emma out in public yet, so they brought us lunch after they ate and came to our house for cake and ice cream. Yesterday was one of those days when Emma wanted to be attached to me all day, but was very well behaved for her visitors. If you'll notice the first picture - Emma's swaddled and asleep on her tummy. We don't let her stay that way for extended periods of time because of the SIDS risk, but she LOVES to sleep on her belly. The last picture was one that Brad took today on the way to visit my parents. She likes to sleep in her car seat and her head tilts forward and sits on the straps of her car seat. I put the lambswool covers on the straps to protect her little neck. Needless to say, she HATED them and I had to take them off as soon as we got to Mom and Dad's.
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