Brad's students started back today. I talked to him this morning and he said that it was crazy - new crazy schedules and the kids were confused, as were the teachers. I must admit, it's days like this that I'm SO happy to be a stay at home mom! He missed her so much this week. He comes straight home from work and scoops her up. I'm lucky if I even get a "hi" anymore!
Emma had a few firsts this week. Last Monday she smiled VERY intentionally for the first time. She's always smiled in her sleep, and smiled at my hair, or her "food sources/best friends" just before she eats, but this was the first time she actually smiled at ME! She's stingy with them, but they're there. She also started to coo this week. She "talks" the most when she's in her bouncy seat looking out the window. On Saturday in Thomson she showed off by carrying on a full conversation with her Daddy - too sweet.
She's sleeping so well at night now. She usually goes down around 10 and wakes up around 2:00 and 5:00 to eat. She usually goes right back to sleep once her tummy is full, which is great because I've been letting Brad sleep through the feedings now that he's back at work. It's more work on my part, but I feel like it's only fair because I have the possibility of a nap later in the day and he doesn't. So far it's working out well.
We took a bit of a road trip this weekend. My grandfather is ill and living with my aunt in Thomson, GA. I had been wanting him to meet his great-granddaughter since she was born and the time was right. It was awesome. When we got there he was asleep. My mom put Emma in bed with him and when he woke up he saw her - his eyes lit up in a huge smile. She was an angel. She cuddled with him for a long time and then we posed for pictures. It was a great memory making trip and I was sure to get a ton of pictures to remember it by.
1 comment:
Those pictures with your grandfather are precious. Love ya! Amy
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