She's still struggling with this cold. It's better and she has really seemed to feel ok despite it, but it must be miserable being so congested. Luckily, the humidifier has kept everything "flowing" and I think she must be on the uphill swing now. It's just been a runny nose and congestion, so it's manageable. I have thought of taking her to the doctor, but the fear of what she could contract in just the waiting room these days is enough to make me rethink that!
She's such a mess these days. One thing that I've really learned about her and come to accept is that she wakes up like her Daddy - slowly and ON HER OWN! Here's how things go - she starts to stir. Until her eyes open I had better not touch her or try to get her to wake up! Once her eyes open I can turn on the light and turn off the fan and try to talk to her. She wakes up and goes back to sleep several times before actually being completely awake and ready to get up. Only once she looks over at me and smiles is she ready to get up. If I get her up before that.....well, let's just say it isn't pretty. Daddy says she has her Mama's temper - I think it's all her Daddy. If you wake Brad up before he is ready, you'll pay for it all day long. Looks like Emma's going to be a carbon copy!
Nothing really exciting has gone on this week. We've been laying low because of her cold. Aside from a few visits to grandparent's houses we haven't done much. I've been feeling a little bit like I might be catching her cold the last few days - not sure yet. I figure I'm pretty much a sitting duck for it though. She has my immunities from my breast milk so, if she caught this cold, I probably will too. I'm hoping I don't, but I couldn't tell you how many times she's sneezed right in my face or I've kissed all over her. Time will tell.
Patrick Swayze died yesterday. I'm pretty down in the dumps about it. As a kid, Dirty Dancing was (and still is) one of my absolute favorite movies. He was such a talented actor - such a terrible loss. It seems like all of our icons are dropping like flies these days. Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, wow. They are all dying so young. Such a shame.
Anyway, here are some pictures of this last week. Actually, the first 2 are from the week before that I just uploaded from my camera but they were so cute I had to post them. She was playing with Brad and showing off her smiling skills. The third picture is for my mom. She bought Emma these cute little "vintage" shirts that were just like what I wore to sleep in when I was a baby. The cloth diaper under her butt has nothing to do with her incontinence - it covers the seat belt in her bouncy seat so it doesn't scratch her legs!
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