Emma has had quite an exciting week, both in a good way and a bad one. Most of you already know that this week I had a car wreck with Emma in the car. A woman pulled out of a McDonald's less than a mile from our house and decided to cut across 3 lanes of traffic. I didn't see her and she didn't bother to look good enough for other cars before pulling out in front of me. We hit head on. Luckily, I had just gotten into a turn lane and was going no faster than 20 miles an hour. It really wasn't too bad. Not too much body damage to either car. She was ticketed and found to be at fault. Unfortunately, my car wouldn't start so the police officer had to push my car with his front bumper to get me out of the street! Scary. The car was towed and is now at a body shop and will hopefully be fixed soon. Emma and I were just fine. She cried for a minute or 2 and then fell fast asleep. She was a trooper. I can honestly tell you though, I've never been so scared in my entire life. I SCREAMED at the other driver "CALL 911 - I HAVE A BABY IN THE CAR!" I have never gotten her out of that carseat faster in my life. It could have been SO much worse and I thank God that it wasn't. Now we're cruising around in a Chevy Cobalt from the rental company. It's.......cheap. Did you know that they still make cars that don't have power windows, locks, or even cruise control?? Well, let me tell you - they do. I haven't rolled down the windows in a car since the 80s. Wow.
I was determined not to let the wreck spoil our entire weekend so we loaded up on Saturday and drove to Berry Patch Farms for a trip to the pumpkin patch with my mom's company. We had a blast. It was Emma's nap time so I put her in the sling to nap and she slept HARD. We tried to wake her up for a photo op with the pumpkins, but as you can see, she was much more interested in her beauty sleep. She even slept through the hay ride. She's a girl after her mother's own heart!
Speaking of sleep, we've had a tough time lately. For the last few weeks she has gone from sleeping soundly all night (waking up once to eat) to waking up screaming within 30 minutes of being put down. She doesn't just wake up once, she wakes up every 15-30 minutes for the first few hours of being put down. It's miserable. She's learned to put herself to sleep after we put her in the bed, but only stays asleep for 30 minutes before the screaming starts. After she finally goes to bed, she's out all night. Naps haven't been great either - she's had several days of 1 hour naps, instead of 2-3 hours at a time. It's been rough on Emma, and even more rough on her Mama.
I finally determined that she was overtired when we were putting her down. Since then, we've moved her schedule up 2 hours. Instead of starting her bath at 9:00, we start at 7:00 and she's in bed by 8:00. She's been gradually getting better. Last night, we put her in bed still awake with her soother turned on, she put herself to sleep, and didn't wake back up! She stirred around 3:00 and I decided to go ahead and feed her because her 2 best friends were beckoning her, if you know what I mean! ;) She slept until 8:00 this morning! Unfortunately, she only took a 45 minute nap this morning and I paid for it in the car on the way to and from the grocery store - she was an angel and slept in the sling while I shopped. She's back down now and I'm determined that she will have a GOOD afternoon nap!
The cloth diapering is still going great. In fact, I just got a package of new diaper service quality prefolds that I ordered last week. I'm excited to use them! Is that sad? It's fun! We're even using them at night now with no leaks. You can probably spot her little cloth diapered butt in these pictures. Her little pants barely fit over it! She's wearing 3-6 month clothes for the most part, but pants have to be 6 months at least! It's so cute, and extra padded so she can take me smacking on it a little ;)
Emma's 1st tractor ride!

Ready for nap time!

Family Photo - Emma was fast asleep.

1st Hayride - still napping...

At the pumpkin patch picking out our pumpkin. See the cloth diaper??

Still half asleep...

Watching Baby Crack....I mean Einstein!