Wednesday, October 28, 2009


We went in for Emma's 4 month check-up today. She weighs 14lbs 6oz (50th-75th percentile) and is 24 5/8 in. long (50th-75th percentile). She had a great check-up. The doctor said that everything looks on target and she was perfect. She was amazed at her weight gain and asked if I was supplementing with formula! NOPE! I told her that mommy makes milkshakes for Miss Em.

The doctor ALSO said that we can try some rice cereal as soon as she starts to act interested in eating. So far she's watching us eat, but not trying to open her mouth to eat when we bring food to her mouth. She said to wait a little while until she really signals that she's ready for it. She also said to wait on other fruits and veggies until 6 months. However, the paperwork the doctor's office gave me says that after the baby really gets the hang of rice cereal, you can try veggies. We'll play it by ear.

I asked her about swaddling. I was able to get Emma to sleep yesterday without her sleep positioner, so we took a step in the right direction. She still refuses to sleep unless she's swaddled though. The doctor recommended loosening the swaddle so that she gets used to sleeping without it. Any moms have tips?? Carolyn, I know you just went through this - help!

The shots were not too bad. I got so nervous that I got hives on my chest, but Emma did great! She cried pretty loud, but there were no tears this time. It also helped that I had my boob in her mouth before the nurse left the room ;) I have no shame! So, all is well! Emma's been dosed with baby Tylenol and is taking a well-deserved nap. Lunchtime for Mama!

1 comment:

CarolynCraddock said...

Here is the BEST advice friends gave me on the swaddle... as long as she is not in it all day... let her do her night time sleep in it till she lets you know she doesn't need it.. and SHE WILL let you know... Kaitlyn started to bust out of it and flip on to her tummy , so one night I just lay her down on her back ( which she OF COURSE immediately rolled over on her tummy) and she fell asleep there. The Dr. said if she is strong enough to roll from back to tummy then she will be fine! Kaitlyn was like 5 1/2 months before we stopped swaddling her. and when she was ready she let us know .. no need to rush I say!