THEN I purchased these books....
Wow. I'm REALLY scared to say that our problems are gone, so I won't. But you get the picture! She has a lot of really great information on "setting the scene" for naps. She points out that, while we often have great routines that are set in stone for bedtime, we don't usually have them for naps. She also has a great chart that details how long babies should go in between naps, and how many hours of sleep they need total.
So here's what I changed....Emma went from taking 3 naps, down to 2. I keep her up a MINIMUM of 1 1/2 hours (trying to make it to 2) between naps, rather than an hour and 15 minutes, which had been her limit without melting down. Before I lay her down for a nap, I swaddle her, turn on the box fan in our room (where I feed her before nap - she has a box fan in her room as well for the white noise). I turn off all the lights, feed her until she's good and relaxed, and put her in her crib while she's still awake, but drowsy.
She has been taking 2-3 hour naps without waking up for about 3 days now!!! She is also sleeping MUCH better at night. She has woken up once or twice a night now for about 4 nights!!!!! Now, if Brad and I can get used to getting to sleep OURSELVES a little earlier, we'll feel like actual people again!!
It's amazing how 2 little books can change so much. The things that she points out in the books are simple, common-sense ideas, that I had never even considered! Just a few simple changes have changed Emma's little life. It's incredible how important sleep, or lack thereof, is to a little baby - and her mommy!
We met my friend Rachel and her little baby Juliette at Chick-Fil-A a few nights ago for a quick dinner. Rachel and I both went to St. Pius, both taught (she still does) kids with severe and profound disabilities, we're both going to send our girls to Catholic school, AND our little baby girls are only 2 weeks apart! What amazed me was that, even though Juliette was around 6lbs at birth, and Emma was 9, they both are almost the exact same height and weight now! It's amazing what a little breast milk can do.
We got the girls together when Emma was around 8 weeks old or so, but they weren't really "into" other people at the time. This time they were so cute - they sat on the table and just STARED at each other! Emma would look at Juli and then back at me like "do you SEE her Mama??" It was precious. We've GOT to get them together for a play date soon - I think I need the company of another young mom just as much as Emma needs a friend! So much fun to look forward to in the years to come!
Once again, I have no pictures. I've been spending my days making homemade baby food, washing clothes, diapers, and trying to keep up with a little housework. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE my baby food maker?? SO far I've used it for sweet potatoes and carrots - we're trying the carrots tonight. Last night Emma had a little mashed banana with her cereal - she LOVED it mixed in, but hated the bite without cereal! Love the funny faces that came along with that. She had a little rash on her belly after the banana, so we'll wait a little while and try it again. Hopefully the carrots don't have the same effect! Anyone have any good baby food recipes????

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