Friday, January 15, 2010


I haven't updated in a little while because, well.....there's not much to say! We enjoyed our snow-day-created 3 day weekend with Brad, and mostly stuck around the house. It's such a hassle to bundle us ALL up these days when it's so cold that we don't usually go far. We DO go to my parents' house several times a week. We're blessed to have them living so close to us and to have them love on us all so much. Not only is it a home-cooked meal that I don't have to cook, but it's a little breathing time for me too when I'm not on full-time duty.

My Dad is so precious with Emma. He often meets me at the car to get her because he just can't wait to see her. She LOVES him too. She puts her hands on either side of his face and just stares at him and smiles so big. It's SO precious. He tells her that he has to get all of his squeezing time in before her Grammy gets home and takes her. And he's right! Her Grammy loves her to pieces and she loves her Grammy.

As much as I love and adore being at home with Emma all day, every day, it's exhausting. By the end of the day I'm so worn out that I've had it. It's great when Brad can take her and play when he gets home, but that doesn't last long because she seems to want her Mama to take her from Dad sometimes. But when she's with her Grammy and Grandpa, she's good to go!

I took these pictures with my mom's camera a few days ago. Emma and Lucy were on my parents' bed playing. Lucy is terrified of children and, though she likes Emma so far, whenever Emma looks mobile, Lucy freaks out. As you can tell, it all started out well and good, until Emma looked like she MIGHT be able to get her hands on Lucy!

What are we gonna play now, Grammy??

Gettin a little wild!!

"Mama, I'm not so sure about this baby stuff!"

Heading for the hills - JUST out of reach.

This picture cracked me up. As soon as I took it I screamed - Emma looks EXACTLY like Brad! Not Brad as a baby, Brad now. Wow.

I'll be the first to tell you that Emma is a high-maintenance little girl. She doesn't like to be put down, gets bored VERY easily, and has quite the temper. I wouldn't have her any other way! My mom recently pointed out to me that, as a teacher, I didn't want the 'easy' kids. I loved the biters, the aggressive kids, the autistic kids, the ones that were so rough and tumble that the other teachers just stared with an expression of 'thank GOD I don't have THAT class!' And she's right. I like kids with personality, and Emma's NOTHING if not full of that.

Today I took Emma on an impromptu visit to my school. We visited with my old co-workers and had a good time. I brought Emma to Midvale when she was about 6 weeks old on a teacher workday, so this was her first visit when she was aware of what was really going on. I think she's a future special ed teacher in the making - she seemed to love staring at the kids! She was a real trooper.

She's napping now, which is the only reason I'm able to type this. She's had a tough time sleeping the last week or so. She's been waking a couple of times at night, which is her norm, but has had a BAD time napping. She wakes up several times during the nap and often "thinks" she only needs to sleep 30 minutes. I know better, so it's a big fight. By the end of those nights, she's a hot mess. When she gets in "that" mood, I call her TeeTee. I'm not sure why, but it's her alter ego. Whenever she has missed some sleep, she turns into TeeTee....not sure WHERE she gets that from (HER DADDY!!!!)

I'm not sure why, but Blogger won't let me make these pictures any bigger. Sorry if they're hard to see! I tried over and over.

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