On Saturday, Brad and I got up early(ish) to finish getting things set up for the party. After a frantic 8:30 AM call to my mom, she came rushing over to watch Emma while Brad and I got things ready. We put her down for her morning nap at 9:30 and she awoke to Party Central at 10:45!
She wore a precious little jumper that I bought for her at Tucker Days this year. I also found a precious handmade hair clip that I attached to a headband for my bald babe. I only made her keep it on for a few pictures, but it was well worth it!
Emma's Grammy and Grandpa (my parents) were there, as were Brad's parents and sister. We decided to keep things low-key and relaxed and invited our best friends and Emma's best little buddies. They guest list: Amber, Jason, and Seth, Mary, Jeremy, and Jack, Elizabeth and Bernard, Rachel, Juan, and Juliette. It was just perfect. I actually got things done ahead of time and was able to really sit back and enjoy the party, our friends, and my baby girl.
Brad manned the grill and, after an emergency trip to Home Depot for another propane tank, the burgers and hotdogs were delicious. I also made potatoes au gratin and Brad's mom made baked beans and a fruit tray. Emma loved her nitrate-free hotdog!
After we ate lunch we sang Happy Birthday to Emma. I cried like a baby. It was a mixture of emotions, all flooding to the surface. We went through SO much to conceive this baby, bring her safely into this world, and nurture her for an entire year. It has been the most satisfying, loving, and life-altering year of my life. I was so happy to see her at her first birthday party happy, healthy, and loving life. I was so mind-numbingly honored to have her surrounded with our best friends who all love her as if she were their own. I couldn't have been more happy. And I couldn't have been more sad. Seeing this year come to an end is just heart-breaking for me. She has been the sweetest, most cuddly, best smelling, most affectionate baby I've ever known. I have seen her grow and develop and change SO much over the last year. Heck, over the last 3 months! I have savored every sweet second of it, taking plenty of time to enjoy her little sounds, her little snuggles, eskimo kisses, and her sweet baby smell. Don't get me wrong - I haven't taken one single second for granted - not ONE. But it feels like we're about to leave her "baby years" behind and move on to the "big girl" years. I'm just not ready for that. If it's all the same to you, I'm going to keep holding, nursing, spoiling, and "babying" my little angel for just as long as I want to. I'm sure no one will mind. :)
After we sang, and I cried. And cried. And cried.....we got on to the "face cake!" She was SO funny! She didn't hesitate for a split second - she dug her hand right in there! She played with the icing and ate a ton of it. She even shared some with me! She didn't have any extra for her Daddy though! I don't think he was too offended. ;)
After she was done digging in it, she just used her face as a utensil. She stuck her little face right in there! She was SOOO cute! Everyone was squeeling about how she knew what to do with cake - and she did! After she had her fill, we took one last picture for posterity and headed to the sink. Lots of soap, papertowels, and warm water later and she was fairly clean!
Brad changed her clothes and we sat down to open presents. She got so many great things! She enjoyed playing with all of her friends - particularly Juliette! After presents, Seth, Juliette, and Emma changed into their bathing suits and played outside in the baby pools that we set up. It was HOT outside, so I MAY have gotten my feet in too......
After we swam, the party wound down. Everyone left except for Amber, Jason, and Seth. Emma went down for a nice long nap - 3 hours! Once she woke up we went to one of our favorite Mexican restaurants (Frontera) for dinner with our company. The waitresses fawned all over Emma - she was making lots of friends by waving at strangers and offering them her goldfish. We enjoyed the live music. We played "name that tune" because the guy was playing some pretty obscure songs. Jason won.
It was the best day ever. Brad and I can't get over it. We both actually enjoyed ourselves rather than being stressed out and in "entertaining" mode. We're both worn out from getting the party and the house together, but it was well worth it.
Tomorrow is Father's Day. On Father's Day last year, my water broke. Emma was born the following day. Her birthday this year is on Wednesday, the 22nd. We're still not sure what our plans are for that day. Maybe we'll take Emma to one of her favorite stores - Petsmart! We have a special birthday plate that Emma's Aunt Claire got for her. She will eat her cake on that plate for her birthday every year and we'll write the date on the back. So she'll be having a piece of her cake on her special plate. I may even let her make it another "face cake."
The day after her birthday is Emma's 1-year check up. I'm dreading it. I plan to refuse the MMR shot for another year or so, so we'll see how they take that. Please pray for my strength in that doctor's office - I will NOT fold on this one!
Thank you so much to everyone who has made this year so special for us and for loving Emma so very much. You all mean the world to us!
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