Monday, September 13, 2010


Last weekend we had a nice visit from Brad's Nana from Illinois, his sister, and his Dad and step-mom. It was the first time that Emma got to meet her Nana, and she hadn't seen Brad's Dad since her Baptism, so it was a nice visit! Emma LOVED playing with them and we had a nice time too! Here are some of the best pictures that I took - there were tons, but these were the cream of the crop!

It was actually a very LONG Labor Day weekend. My Grandpa's funeral was on Saturday. It was a very emotional day, to say the least. It was a very beautiful funeral for a very well-loved Grandpa. Following the funeral, we had a reception at my house for a LOT of people! Brad's family came the following day, and then we spent Monday trying to recover!

Tuesday, Brad went back to work. When he got home, Emma was waiting for him and got to take a ride down to the mailbox. How sweet are these pictures????

Dad had his biopsy on Thursday and it went well. We won't know anything until tomorrow. He has an appointment with the thoracic surgeon to get the biopsy and CAT scan results, and then an appointment with his oncologist on Thursday to get a "plan of attack." This has been a really tough week for us all. I have a really hard time talking about it at length, but I'm able to give the "just the facts, ma'am" of what's going on so far. Any more than that, and I'm usually in tears, so I try to shy away from that! I'll keep everyone posted when we find out more information. Hoping and praying for some good news!!

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