I'm doing pretty well. Feeling good, other than a lot of back pain and being tired all the time. Emma's started to point to my belly and say "baby," which is funny because we really don't talk about it too much. I don't want to confuse her and don't know how much she has the capability to understand. We DO read several books about babies in mommy's belly and she loves them. Maybe that's where it came from.
I have my monthly OB visit tomorrow. Things, medically speaking, have been going very well. At my last Perinatology visit, the doctor even dismissed me! She said that my doctor's office was doing a very capable job of managing my GD and that I was doing great. My blood pressure was excellent, and, pending no further complications, I don't have to go back! I'm thrilled. It was more than a notion to make it to 2 appointments a month. I will still have to have 2 per WEEK later on in my pregnancy, but I'll cross that bridge when it comes. Besides, Brad will be out for the summer for most of that time.
I've been really enjoying Abby this week. She's just so sweet - even on the inside. She NEVER keeps me up at night like Emma did. She will occasionally let me know that she doesn't like the position I'm in, but she's very nice about it. :) She has some BIG kicks that I was even able to catch on video the other night. It creeps Brad out beyond belief. I think he's watched to many science fiction movies.
Can't wait until tomorrow to hear her precious heartbeat again!
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