The first picture is 29 weeks with Emma. The second is 29 weeks with Abby. I actually don't see a really huge difference between the 2 this week. In past weeks, it was pretty obvious that Abby was bigger. I have an ultrasound tomorrow, and can't wait to see how big she actually is. According to my weekly pregnancy emails, she's supposed to be around 2.5lbs this week.
I've been feeling really good lately. This pregnancy (aside from the gestational diabeetus) has been SO much easier on me than Emma's pregnancy. Looking back on my posts from back then, I was in SO much pain and was already seeing the cardiologist for my fast heart rate. At my last appointment, my heart rate was below 80. With Emma, my resting heart rate was often 140.
I'm also not in the tremendous pain I was with Emma. My pubic bone hurt TERRIBLY, and the back pain was almost unbearable. So far (knock on wood), I've had some back pain, but nothing too bad. Emma's been coming up to me and pointing to my belly and saying "Baby? Abby?" She's going to be such a good big sister. I can't wait to see my girls together.
I'm really looking forward to holding this sweet girl in my arms. I was talking to Brad a few days ago about what is going to be different "this time around." I don't think we've made any major mistakes with Emma so far (SHE may have something else to say about that once she's a grown up!), but I think I will be SO much more relaxed. I remember being terrified that she wouldn't latch to nurse her. I was stressed out and crying, she was stressed out and crying....Brad couldn't do much aside from sit back and watch helplessly. This time around, I know that she won't starve. She WILL latch and I WON'T think of offering her a bottle. I WON'T listen to the nurses in the hospital who tell me that I should just give her a bottle if she seems hungry. I know that I can do it, I know that she can do it.
I won't worry so much about her getting her days and nights straight right away. There's not much you can do for those first few weeks, and I plan to soak up every second of those "wide awake in the middle of the night" moments. They're often the sweetest. I know how precious that time is, and how quickly they grow. As much as I adore Emma and the age she is now, my heart still breaks that she's not my little baby anymore. I try to get her to let me hold her and play "baby," but she's not having it!
I have my ultrasound and OB check-up tomorrow and Brad's going to be able to come with me! He hasn't seen Abby on an ultrasound since I was 18 weeks pregnant. He's got Spring Break this week, as does my mom, so she's going to come watch Emma for us. I can't wait! I'll let you all know how big she is when we're back.
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