I haven't blogged lately because, to be honest, I've felt like I was under a rock. I'm slowly starting to emerge and get my feet back under me. I PROMISE to be a better blogger very soon. It's certainly not been for a lack of hysterical new things Emma does! I thought I'd take a minute to jot a few funny things she says/does down so that I can remember them in the future. She literally says something new every.single.day. She keeps us amazed.
She's in her new "big girl" room now (still in a crib, but in her newly-decorated room). Her grandmother and grandpops gave her a ladybug that projects stars and the moon (some of her favorite things) on the ceiling. She's in LOVE. When Brad puts her in bed at night, she gets to request which color she wants the lights. It's usually "ba-loo." She loves baloo.
Her newest favorite show is "ba-loos ba-loos." AKA Blue's Clues. She's so funny. She has really been paying attention and comprehends so much of what she sees. She loves Sesame Street (mostly Elmo), Blue's Clues, Peppa Pig, and, of course, Yo Gabba Gabba. I try to keep it educational!
She gets VERY concerned if anyone cries - particularly any animal noises. She says, "she CRY!" I can't wait to see how THAT goes once there's a crying baby in the house!
She calls me "mommys." I'm not sure why. It's precious.
She calls Brad "Daddy" or "Pappy." If she hears me call him, she'll also call him "Bad" (Brad). Cracks me up. He doesn't particularly think Pappy is as funny as I do, but I don't really care. ;)
She adores air-pains. She will drop whatever she's doing to stop and listen to them or look for them when she hears one. She'll put her hand to her ear and say "listen! Hear it?" If you ask her where the airplane is going, she'll say "air powt." It sounds British and is HYSTERICAL.
She loves to boss the dogs. She'll say "come OWN Lucy!" Yesterday she said "HUSH Bailey!" and "get down Lucy!"
She pronounces nearly every word perfectly, with the exception of the word "spoon." She says "boos." No matter how many times I try to get her to say it the right way, it is always a boos. We just go with it. She'll repeat anything you ask her to, and even some things you wish she wouldn't. ;)
She has incredible manners. She says "thank you" and "you're welcome" perfectly without prompting and knows what they mean - she always uses them appropriately. She has also started to say "puh leeeese?" when she wants something she knows she most likely shouldn't have.
Her improved language skills are a double-edged sword. She now frequently requests chocolate and ice cream for breakfast. If I tell her she may have them after dinner, she says "puh leeeese?" Um. No.
She's in the midst of the terrible twos. Her language skills have helped somewhat lately, but she will still get VERY angry over small things. She usually just screams, but has been known to very delicately sit down on the floor. She REALLY wants to lay down and beat her head on the ground, but knows it would hurt. If we ignore her (which we always do) she stands right back up and is over it. She's a mess.
She's gotten to be a picky eater. What's funny is that she doesn't like most "kid friendly" foods. She's not really big on chicken nuggets (unless they're from Chick-Fil-A). She HATES macaroni and cheese, soup of any kind, and most noodle dishes. Her favorite food in the WORLD is Zatarain's Jambalaya with Cheese and turkey smoked sausage. She also adores hot dogs (nitrate free), PB&J, pizza (sometimes), and anything I'm eating.
Her usual breakfast these days consists of waffles, oatmeal, cheerios with milk, pancakes, or Mama's cheese eggs. She always has fruit of some sort - bananas or raisins, usually. She loves PB&J or grilled cheese for lunch. On Fridays we go get Chick-Fil-A as a treat. She calls it "pillow" because she's decided that the "C" on the sign looks like a pillow. I have no clue why. She adores most fruits - particularly mangoes, bananas, blueberries, blackberries, pears, and GRAPES!
She still takes 2 naps a day. Her first is 2 hours after she wakes up, and she usually sleeps around an hour and a half. Her second nap is 2 hours after she wakes up from the first, and is anywhere from 1.5-3 hours. She also still sleeps through the night - 12-13 hours or so. She usually wakes up around 8:30 AM. She has also fairly recently gotten VERY attached to her lovies. She's got one that my aunt gave her as a baby shower gift, and another that my mom got her for Christmas when I was pregnant with her. She loves them equally.
She knows all of the essential body parts and can point to each of them. She knows where baby Abby is if you ask her. She likes to lift my shirt up and say "open" to my belly. She doesn't seem to "get" that it doesn't work like that!
She adores Lucy - they are best friends.
We're starting to experiment with potty training. She seems interested, but doesn't mind having a wet or dirty diaper, and WON'T sit on the potty for more than 30 seconds at a time. We'll get there, but I think it will be after Abby gets here. It's not like I'm wasting money on diapers after all!
My goodness. That's all I've got time for. She's dancing in her crib as we speak - I'm watching her on the video monitor. More later!
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