Monday, December 5, 2011

5 Months

I find it pretty appropriate for Abby's 5 month post to come just after she turns 6 months old.  That's symbolic of life these days!  There's hardly a second to sit down and write a blog post, much less upload pictures to it.  In fact, as I write this, there's a hashbrown casserole in the oven, Brad's putting Abby down for a nap and getting ready to light the grill, and Emma is running around like a crazy person because she woke up from nap to her Daddy home.  There is a load of diapers to fold, and at least 2 loads of laundry that are ready to be done.  There are dishes in the sink, and I swear that you can't tell I mopped the kitchen floor a few days ago.  I swear that if I were able to do 2 loads of laundry a day, I still wouldn't be caught up.  It's amazing how much laundry a family of 4 (especially with a very pukey baby) can go through.

So.  Miss Abby.  She weighed 11lbs 11oz. at her 4 month appointment, so I'm guessing she's near the 12lb mark now.  The doctor was very pleased with her weight gain, though she's still in the 5th percentile for weight and 15-25th for height.  She's an absolute peanut.  Pictures just don't accurately depict her size.  She's SO much tinier than Emma ever was.  At 6 months, Emma was nearly 17 lbs.  We have had to buy several winter outfits because Abby is nowhere near Emma's size during the winter months.  

She wears 3 month clothes, or 3-6 months.  6 month pants fit, but the sleeves on shirts are too long, and they are just huge on her.  She is in size 1 disposable diapers, and small cloth diapers.  She's nearly out of her infant diapers.  

She started solids a few weeks ago.  So far she really likes prunes, sweet potatoes, and avocado.  She eats twice a day right now, but tends to spit up a good bit after her first solid meal of the day.  Not sure what that's about.

Speaking of spitting up, wow.  She's a puker.  The doctor mentioned that most babies outgrow it by 6 months.  Yeah.  Notsomuch.  She spits up less volume than she once did, but still spits up after just about every feeding.  It still doesn't seem to bother her, so there's really nothing to be done about it.  She goes through a minimum of 2-3 outfits during the day, not including pjs.  She also usually goes through 3+ bibs and 3 burp cloths.  Wowza.

It's been tough to work on motor skills like sitting up because of her reflux.  As soon as she hits anywhere near a 90 degree angle within at least an hour of eating, it all comes back up. I'm a little scared for her to lose too much of her feeds because she's such a tiny little monkey.  So, if she's not sitting up right on track, it's my fault.  We're really starting to work on it now, even though it always accompanies at least 2 spit ups.  She can sit up with just one finger on her thigh to keep her steady.  She's getting there!

She adores her sister.  She belly laughed for her for the first time last night.  She's smiled at her forever, but last night was the first true belly laugh just because of Em.  It was precious!

Emma has really wanted to hold her a lot lately.  It only lasts for a second or 2, but it's sweet of her to ask!  Emma is VERY jealous of Abby touching toys.  Not just her toys, ANY toys.  I think it comes with the 2 year old territory.  We're working on sharing and trading.  She's getting there slowly but surely.

She's not teething yet, and her drooling is much better, but she wants everything in her mouth.  I remember these days with Emma all too well.  She gets it in her head that she wants a certain toy in her mouth in a certain way.  If it doesn't cooperate, she's PISSED!  

We have the Christmas tree up and both girls love it.  In fact, Emma has her own tree this year.  It's REALLY helping her to keep her hands on her own ornaments, and off of the ones on the big tree.  

Abby is still taking 2.5 naps a day.  She takes a good nap from 10-11:30 in the morning, and a nap with Emma at 1:00.  She also takes a 30-45 minute cat nap around 5:30.  Bedtime is between 8-9:00.  She sleeps pretty darn good - particularly compared to her sister at this age.  She wakes once to eat usually, and often not until 5:00 to eat.  She gets up for the day between 8-9:00.  It's NICE!  

She's still swaddled, though I think that's going to be ending here soon.  No one can get over how quickly and easily she goes to sleep.  You change her diaper, swaddle her, put her in her bed, turn on the fan, and she's out.  She occasionally needs you to put the passy back in, or turn on her seahorse soother, but that's it.  The child doesn't know what it means to be rocked or nursed to sleep.  Love it.

She's still a Mama's girl.  She will look for me from across the room.  She won't often calm down for anyone but Mama.  It warms my heart, but makes it tough for me to leave her. 

She also apparently still looks just like me.  In fact, I had a complete stranger in the mall stop me to tell me that this week!  I can totally see it in my baby pictures, but find it funny that so many other people see it now.  I will never complain - it's only right that after carrying her for 9 months, she should at least resemble her mama!

She adores to be in the Moby wrap or sling.  Particularly on the train at Stone Mountain.  We broke down and got Mountain Membership passes - endless train rides!  Abby and Emma both adore it, though I'm not sure Abby has ever stayed awake for more than 5 minutes of it! 

Well, that's about it for 5 months.  She'll be meeting Santa next weekend for the first time and I can't wait!  Hope her sister makes it.

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