I feel like there's not a lot to update on, because the biggest happenings of the week were cardiology related and I already talked about that. I'll try to dig up some more tidbits that may or may not be of any interest.
We bought Emma's baby book this week. I had looked at several stores and couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. I wanted something that was bound (several were like spiral notebooks!) and something that had places for lots of extra "stuff." My favorite part of looking at MY baby book is the stuff - the hospital bracelet, the clipping of my hair, notes, etc. I finally found exactly what I was looking for - after ordering 3 from Barnes and Noble.com! It's really old fashioned and has a lot of vintage art. SO cute.
The Winner

A lot of people have asked me about food cravings. I haven't had any real "cravings" in a long time, but I REALLY did early on in the pregnancy. Brad was about to kill me over a few. I wanted Mexican food several times a week, which he obliged. I fell in love with Sonic Cherry Limeades which I previously couldn't STAND. After the morning sickness went away, so did my obsession, but I've picked it back up since then :) I also developed a serious addiction to pickles. I was a pickle snob - they had to be Claussen pickles. I also had a few weeks there when I really had to have Texas Pete Hot Sauce flavored pickles. I know, I know. It grosses me out now too! The thing is, I discovered that at the peak of my morning sickness, eating a pickle after a meal helped me to keep it down.
My morning sickness is back. It's not nearly as bad or as regular as it was earlier on, but it's there. It's also not just in the morning anymore. Today we grabbed Chick-Fil-A so that we could get a nice, long nap. I ate 2 bites of my chicken sandwich and knew that if I ate any more, it wouldn't be pretty. On the plus side, the morning sickness HAS helped me to not gain a ton of weight!
Speaking of weight, people who are comfortable around me ask me all the time, and I'm not ashamed of the answer. I haven't gained ANY weight so far. Let me explain, I weighed X when I got pregnant (which, by the way, was nearly 10 lbs less than when I miscarried my last baby). Due to the morning sickness and just general lack of appetite (which has continued throughout pregnancy - I still can't eat a "full" meal) I lost 6 lbs. Last week at my doctor's appointment, I was back to exactly the X lbs. that I weighed when I started. I guess you could say that I have gained 6 lbs, but I like 0 better! Although I think I look like a brick house, it's all Miss Emma at this point. Most of my "this week in your pregnancy" emails say that I should have gained upwards of 20 lbs by now and will likely gain another 11. If I only gain 11, I'll be one happy camper! On the other hand, if I pack on the pounds between now and then, I'll be just as happy knowing that I can blame it all on my sweet little baby.
If you know me, you know I'm a bit goofy most of the time. I decided to give Brad a good laugh and try on his pants. I won't embarrass him by telling you what size they are, but you've seen Brad. He's not tiny. His pants wouldn't button around the belly!!! We both got a good laugh!
Can't think of anything else to mention, so I'll wrap it up. Everyone at work has told me that I really "blossomed" this week. She's definitely making my belly stick out farther than in past weeks! Can't imagine how much bigger I'll be in July.....wow.
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