Not much to report since my last post, but thought I'd add the belly picture that Brad took this morning. We were ATTEMPTING to make it to Zoo Atlanta for the free educator day. It didn't happen. We got all the way there and discovered that everybody and their MAMA had the same idea. The parking lots were so full that they were closed and there wasn't even an open place to parallel park on the side streets. If that wasn't bad enough, my car's thermometer was reading 87 degrees. That was enough for both of us to say "forget it!" We went shopping in some cool new live-work-play shops nearby and called it an afternoon. We made it back to our neck of the woods in time for our Sonic Happy Hour fix and a nap (that we're about to take!). Tonight we're meeting Josh, Carolyn, and Miss Kaitlyn for dinner and we can't wait!
This may be TMI, but I found it interesting, so I thought I'd share. I know that I've been getting up a ton of times each night for my ever frequent bathroom trips now that the baby seems to think that my bladder makes a great pillow. I was curious as to how many times I get up. I knew that I wake up exhausted and never feel like I've gotten enough sleep, but I didn't know the exact number of times I was awake. Last night I took a tally. 7 times in 8 hours. That's sad. It's, on average, once an hour. The way I've got it figured, even if Emma is up every 2 hours, I'll STILL be doing better than I am now! Not to mention, I'll be able to come back to bed and sleep on my STOMACH (a huge reason why I'm not comfortable - I've always slept on my stomach). Just another reason that I'm excited for her to get here already!
Here's one more picture. Brad swears that you can't tell that I'm pregnant from the back. Have I mentioned how much I love my husband????
1 comment:
That stinks about the zoo. We tried to brave the zoo yesterday, and pun intended, it was a zoo. It was SO crowded. There were all kinds of field trips going on. It made me thankful that I no longer have to go on field trips as a teacher.
I have a gift for Emma Claire that I will try to run up to Midvale in the next few weeks.
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