I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow morning which should just be a check-up. I'm expecting the follow-up ultrasound the following week to check and see how big my "not-so-little miss" is. Tomorrow evening we are going to Agnes Scott to have professional maternity photos taken. I'm excited! I'll share those as soon as I get them.
I've spent most of the week catching up with friends and relaxing, two things I won't have much time to do in a few weeks! So hard to believe that she will be here in a little over 3 weeks at the most. I'll be considered full-term this Friday. I'm getting so excited!
Emma sort of "turned" immediately after my last doctor's appointment. For a few months now she's been in the exact same position most of the time - her butt under the right side of my ribcage and her legs under my left, in a C-shape. Her kicks were mostly in the same spot. After she moved, she's now EVERYWHERE! She spends most of her time in positions that I can barely distinguish based on which body parts I can identify. A good deal of the time she seems to be facing out now rather than in, with her knees and feet poking out of my belly under my ribs. Hard to explain, I know. I can definitely tell you that I'm feeling a ton more kicks and movements now with her like this - she's an active girl. Her favorite thing to do is stick out a foot and move it all the way across my belly - creepy and a little uncomfortable! My mom got to feel her moving like this last week and almost flipped out - it feels very....different. I guess she's just in cramped quarters these days!
People have asked me if I'm nervous yet. I am, but not as much as I would have thought. I've never been admitted to a hospital before, so that freaks me out a little. The IV freaks me out a little. Seriously though, the only thing that truly scares me is making it through the pain of getting to 5 cm (the point at which I can have my lovely epidural). I can hardly wait to meet my new best friend - Mr. Anesthesiologist Man. I'm sure I can do it, but am really not looking forward to it. After that, I'm pretty comfortable with the process. I'm not even that concerned about the actual delivery - she'll get here one way or another!
I can't wait to be able to take her home. I was thinking a lot last night about how much things around here will change once she's born. When I was first pregnant and it was really starting to sink in that I may actually have a real baby in a few months, I was terrified. It hit me all at once - we can't go out anymore, we can't come and go as we please, sleeping in days are over, etc. etc. etc. Now that it's just around the corner, I really don't care about any of those things anymore. I'm actually looking forward to life changing because it will be so much for the better.
I'm still a little concerned at how Brad will adjust. He's quite used to being spoiled. His mother will happily admit that he went straight from her doing everything for him and spoiling him, to ME doing the same. He's definitely grown up a ton though and I will happily tell you that he is much more self-sufficient now than he was when I met him. He's done an excellent job of taking care of me while I've been pregnant, and long before. I'm not ashamed to say that he spoils me rotten almost every night (or whenever I ask) with foot massages and back rubs. He IS, however, very accustomed to sleeping in and making spur of the moment plans, which will be things of the past. I'm sure that once she's here and we are on some sort of a schedule and know how to plan around her, things will get much easier than they seem. It's just a matter of getting there! I just can't wait to see this little girl rock his world!
I'll update tomorrow after the doctor's appointment, though, once again, I doubt there will be much of an update!
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