She could be here any day now! The waiting is torture, and the discomfort is even worse. I'd love to say that I've had an excellent week of putting my feet up and feeling great. Instead, I've been pretty miserable.
Health-wise, everything's great. Emma's graduated from kicking to HUGE movements in my belly - lots of "foot trails" that you can follow. She gets sweeter and sweeter everyday. She's also dropped quite a bit, which is the issue. She's SUPPOSED to be engaging in my pelvis right now, which she is. However, no one ever mentioned that it hurts like hell! The symphasis pain that I had earlier on in my pregnancy was NOTHING compared to what is likely a 7 lb. baby resting her head on my pubic bone. Ouch!
The heat in Atlanta is pretty miserable as well. Today my car was registering at least 95 degrees. We've tried to stay out of the heat as much as possible and have spent quite a bit of time lounging in mom and dad's pool, which is awesome.
We haven't really done much this week. I went to dinner with some friends/former students' moms and stopped by my new favorite store - New Baby Products. It's addictive. They even had brand new Baby Einstein videos (no DVDs) on sale for $1 a piece - needless to say, I bought 5. I was also able to pick up a few last minute things for Miss Em - teething guard for the crib (cheaper than!) and a waterproof pad for her cosleeper.
Tomorrow we are doing a make-up date for maternity photos. It was raining and storming when we tried a couple of weeks ago, so we rescheduled. I can't wait to see how they turn out!
A few days ago I was fairly sure that we wouldn't be able to hold out for maternity pictures. I've started having Braxton Hicks contractions (AKA, false labor). In fact, a couple of days ago they were so regular that we could have timed them. That went on for several hours. However, they stopped when I laid on my left side, which is a tell-tale sign that they weren't the real thing. I haven't had BH contractions before this week, so I think it's a sign that SOMETHING is coming up soon!
I have a doctor's appointment with my favorite and primary OB on Wednesday. He's the "decision making man" as far as I'm concerned, so I am excited to see what he has to say in terms of a plan from here out. He may not have anything to add, but I'm hoping he can give me a better idea of what to expect if Miss Em is as big as they say she is. She's got the hiccups as I type this. I think she's ready to come out!
I'll let you know what the doctor says! Also have an ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday, and I'm HOPING that they measure her again, but they will likely just check her fluid levels again. Keeping our fingers crossed!
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