Saturday, May 30, 2009

35 Weeks

We've hit week 35! We've also hit the end of school this week, which feels awesome. I can honestly say that it hasn't hit me yet that I'm not going back after summer vacation. It probably won't until Emma's here and Brad is back at school. It's sad, but it's going to be a great time in my life and I know how lucky I am that I will get to stay at home with her. Like I tell people everyday, we'll be broke and will be eating rice and beans, but it will all be worth it.

This week has been good, but exhausting. I've been busy packing up my personal school stuff and doing it all with no A/C at school, which doesn't help these swollen ankles! At least now I can prop my feet up at home with the air set on "freeze everyone in the house to death."

My hands have started to fall asleep this week - mostly my right. I've heard that it's common and caused by the stress that is put on your body to circulate all of the extra blood that you have when pregnant. It makes sense, but hurts! I'm hoping that it's short-lived.

I've really overdone it today. I was my friend Mary's "decoy" today for her surprise 30th birthday party. We got to hang out and spend some good girl time together this morning. Brad and I then went to her party. We had to leave THERE and head to the Cheesecake Factory in Buckhead to meet one of Brad's fellow teachers and some of their students for an end of the year celebration. We had a great time and discovered that Emma LOVES cheesecake, but it gives her the hiccups.

Needless to say, I'm exhausted. We're going to try to take it a little easier tomorrow for sure. Here are plenty of pictures of week 35. I like to call the first one "Lunar Eclipse." I actually took it somewhat by accident while experimenting with camera settings. I thought it turned out pretty cute! The others were Brad getting artsy fartsy on me while taking my typical weekly belly shot.
Unfortunately, it only occurred to me to have Brad take them after my exhausting day, and it shows!

Miss Lucy has to be in the middle of EVERYTHING!

My Favorite

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