Sunday, May 17, 2009

3D Ultrasound

I had a great baby shower yesterday that I'm dying to write about and post pictures of, but I only have a few minutes and want to post some pictures of our 3D Ultrasound that we had today first. I'll post more this week about the shower and a belly picture.

This was our second 3D ultrasound - the first was when Emma was 18 weeks. It's amazing how much she has changed! She has fat now and isn't nearly as scrawny. She looks pre
tty much like she will when she's born at this point. She was precious - she kept sucking her thumb (or putting her thumb close to her mouth - hard to tell) with her index finger pointed straight up. It looked like she was saying "Ssshhhhhh!" Too cute! The ultrasound tech said that she looks like she's going to be a school teacher. We both laughed - she had no idea that we are both school teachers! We can't wait to meet her! Here are some pictures. It's hard to tell from ultrasounds, but in the first one she seems to look EXACTLY like I did when I was a baby. We'll see soon!

Looking like mommy - and her eyes are wide open!


My favorite - she loves her hands.

Asleep with her hands under her chin.

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