My family threw Emma and I the BEST baby shower ever. I had so much fun and got so many awesome gifts that I can't wait to put to good use. Emma even got her first bathing suit and sunglasses! My mom got us the most awesome travel system (carseat, carrier, and stroller) that I can't wait to use. Brad and I have spent most of the week finding places for things, washing baby clothes, and just doing some general organization in Emma's room. This little girl is spoiled already. Here are some pictures from the shower.
I am officially 32 weeks (or 8 months) this week. I keep saying it, but it truly is SO hard to believe that she'll be here so soon. I can't wait. She's really discovered my ribs this week and has spent most of her time while I'm sitting with her feet in my ribcage. Can we say, uncomfortable???? My mom got to feel her kicking the heck out of me yesterday because she was so mad that I was laying on my side. She's a little kick boxer and boy, does she have staying power. She absolutely will NOT stop kicking until I turn over. I've tried to wait her out - no luck. I have a feeling that she and I may have a few "battles of the wills" coming up in her pre-teen/teenage years. I, of course, was an angel growing up, so I feel certain that this payback will be for Brad's awfulness! ;)
I had a good doctor's appointment this week. I am going every 2 weeks now and they are making sure that I am familiar with all of the doctors (which I know most of already) so I saw Dr. Angus. I gained 2 lbs since my last appointment which brings my grand total so far to 7 lbs, and Emma weighs about 4 or 4 1/2 of that. I'm supposed to gain about a pound a week from here on out, though 1/2 of that goes straight to Emma. She's supposed to gain 1/2 lb a week from this point on. I'd be SO happy if I really DO only gain 15 lbs, though I'm not holding my breath there. My appetite is pretty low, mostly because there just isn't much room for food anymore. Here's the belly picture for this week. We decided to change the scenery and use her changing table/dresser as a backdrop this time. Only 6 more weeks until I'm considered to be "full term!"
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