She's a good little eater, but spits up a TON. The doctor says that it's considered reflux, but because it doesn't cause her any discomfort, there's no reason to treat it with medication. She'll likely grow out of it by 6 months or so. In the mean time, she's just a messy girl! In fact, when Brad picked her up out of the bed last night, she spit up SO much and so fast, that I could hear it splatter all over her co-sleeper and the carpet. Fun times. Particularly at 4:00 AM. I can't begin to tell you how many times we've had to change the sheets or her entire outfit SEVERAL times a night. It's no fun.

Abby is such a good little sleeper these days! We had been waking her up one last time before we went to bed to eat. She has been going down to bed around 9:00PM when Emma does, and we are putting her in her crib in her room for the first stretch. After her last feeding before we go to sleep, we put her in our room in the co-sleeper. Well, one night we decided to let her sleep and wake up to eat on her own. Ever since then, she sleeps in her room from 9:00-4:30AM, and then wakes to eat. She then goes back to sleep in our room until around 8:30!! It's awesome. Now if WE can just get to sleep a little earlier.....

She's started to really smile and coo lately. She's such a sweet heart. She loves to just be laid down on a blanket and play. She doesn't mind tummy time at all, which is not something I'm used to! She adores her big sister and will look around until she finds her. She's great in the car, unless her passy falls out and she's hungry.
Abby is still in a lot of newborn clothes. She also wears a lot of 0-3 month and a few 3 month onesies, though they are pretty darn big on her. I still can't get over what a peanut she is.
She looks SO different from Emma to us both. Her hair is so much darker and her face is just different. She looks a ton like her Mama, and just about everyone who sees her mentions that. I certainly don't mind. ;) In fact, she really looks a lot like my Dad. She has his blue eyes, his cleft chin, and pretty much his entire face. It's a bittersweet blessing to me.
Emma is such a sweet big sister. She will get down in Abby's face and talk to her. She knows that Abby can't talk back, so she carries the entire conversation. It sounds something like this. "Hi Abby, whatcha doin Abby? You want some mango juice, Abby?" It's just precious. There doesn't seem to be a mean or jealous bone in her body. They both adore each other.
Brad went back to school today for the first day of pre-planning. It's my first day at home alone with both girls. It's been interesting! I'm trying to get Emma down to 1 nap a day. Emma's gotten used to having everything she wants given to her as soon as she requests it because we've had 2 sets of hands here all summer. Well, times they are a changin. She's a whiny mess and we've got to work on that. Abby is also used to being held whenever she wants to. Don't get me wrong, when she's in a good mood, she'll sit contently for a good chunk of time in her bouncy seat. But if she's hungry or sleepy, she's not a happy camper unless she's in my arms. It's tough to figure out what to do with one while I'm "doing" with the other. That's the biggest challenge of having 2 so far. Emma's a great helper though, and is a pretty good sport.
We've also discovered our love of "the sling." I used one with Emma from very early on and she adored it. Abby is exactly the same way! She immediately calms down if she's upset. She's had a rough couple of days because she got 2 shots at the doctor yesterday, and the sling has been the only way I've been able to "put her down" for a majority of the day. It's SUCH an awesome thing - a definite 'must have' for any new mom.
I'd better run. I can see Abby squirming on the video monitor, and I'm pretty sure I just heard Emma talking as well. So much for a long nap!!
1 comment:
Here are some tips that we call "reflux precautions"...hold baby upright for at least 30 minuts after each feeding, decrease pressure on the abdomen after feeds (like legs up for diaper changes, "slouching" positons in car seat, swing, bouncy seat),minimize jostling (play time) after feeds, and every mama's favorite...smaller and more frequent feedings!
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