Today I put her in her "nap diaper." It's a pocket diaper with snaps (3 on each side!) holding it closed. Foolproof, right? It takes her awhile to fall asleep sometimes, so I glanced at the video monitor every now and then. She was happily playing with her stuffed animals and blankets each time I checked. Then, silence. She fell asleep. A couple of hours later I went in to wake her up and was dumbfounded by the sight which I beheld. Nekky booty. With her face in her diaper. Her.wet.diaper. She's a nut job. So what's a mom to do? I grabbed my phone, snapped the picture, and proceeded to send it to both Brad and my mom. And now, it's on the internet. You had better believe that I'm going to show her this when she gets older. The things she puts her mama through.....
So now I guess I get to pull out the onesies and put one on her for every nap. If that doesn't work......I don't know. Ducktape??
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