8:00 wake up. Abby starts to stir around 7:30 usually, but I can put her passy back in, flip her onto her belly, and keep her asleep until Emma's up. Emma gets up somewhere around 8:00-8:30. I go get Emma up and bring her into our bed to "nuggle" and I nurse Abby while Emma watches "Mickey Mouse Cluh-house." It's a pretty sweet time of the day.
8:30 Breakfast. Abby sits in her bouncy seat or the swing while I drink a cup of coffee (thank GOD for the Keurig) and fix Emma's breakfast. She usually eats pancakes or waffles, or the occasional cheese eggs or bowl of oatmeal. She always has fruit, and usually some yogurt too. We've started letting her watch either Blue's Clues, Rugrats, or Madeline on my laptop from Netflix while she eats. It keeps her happy so I can check my email and tend to Abby.
9:00 Playtime. I usually take this time to clean up the kitchen and run some laundry while Emma entertains herself. There's usually some Sesame Street involved at some point. When I'm done, we play in the living room/playroom.
10:00-10:30 Naptime. I try to get both girls down around 2 hours after they wake up. Emma typically plays for a good 30 minutes in her crib before falling asleep, but once she's out - she's out. She would probably sleep for 3 hours if I let her. I sometimes do! After she's in the bed, I change and feed Abby and put her down. She falls asleep on her own in her crib. I occasionally have to put the passy in a few times, but she goes down SO easily.
1:00 Lunch. I sometimes have to wake Emma up from her nap for lunch. I try to get Abby up a little earlier and feed her before Emma's up. Emma's quite the sleeper. Lunch usually consists of a sandwich, puffs (similar to Pirate's Booty), and fruit, along with her cup of milk. She adores PB&J and will also eat a grilled cheese if it's made in the toaster - NOT in a pan. She's a nut. She has recently discovered a love for PB&Banana too. I occasionally mix it up and throw in some nutella if it's a special occasion. Abby chills in the swing while we eat.
1:30 Playtime. If we have any errands to run, now's the time. I haven't gotten out much with both girls yet, so we are tending to stay at home. Emma loves to help me fold diapers, so we do this every other day. If it's cool enough, we go outside to play. She loves bubbles and to swing.
3:00 Nap #2. We've tried cutting Emma back to 1 nap because she won't always sleep during this nap, but it was ugly. Very ugly. She still doesn't always sleep, and takes forever to fall asleep, but once she's down she sleeps from 1.5-2 hours and our world is much better for it.
5:30 Wake Up. We usually have to wake Emma up from this nap. She's not usually very happy about that, but if we don't, she won't sleep at night. Brad usually gets home around this time.
6:00 Dinner or Mimi's. We go to my mom's several nights a week for dinner. This is when we make it out the door to go. If we're staying at home, I start cooking by this point. Brad has just gotten home and can watch the girls while I cook.
6:30-7:00 Dinner. It's not always this late, but sometimes is. Emma is a pretty good dinner eater. She adores jambalaya, spaghetti (shabeggy), chicken of any assortment (as long as there's a sauce to dip in), anything Mexican (white chicken chili is a favorite), and hot dogs. She'll try just about anything, but is fairly picky. If it's something she likes, she chows down.
7:30-8:00 Nuggle Bed. That's what Emma says around this time. Once the kitchen is cleaned, we pile in the bed to watch Peppa Pig. It's one show that we all enjoy. If you haven't seen it, you should.
8:00-8:30 Bathtime. Brad and I take turns for baths. On my night, I actually take a bath with the girls. It's just the easiest and most time-conscious thing. Abby goes first, and then while Brad's putting her jammies on, it's Emma's turn.
9:00-9:30 Once Emma and I are out, I read stories to Emma and we say our prayers. Then Brad puts her in the bed while I nurse Abby. Abby goes down right after.
Well, that's pretty much a typical day. I had worried so much before Abby came about how things would go. How on earth would I manage getting them both out of the bed if they woke up at the same time? How would we do baths? It's really been SO much easier than I had expected. It was so nice to have Abby come on Brad's first week off of school for the summer, so we had the entire summer to figure things out. This is the beginning of my second week alone with both girls and it's going great. I'm really enjoying my new normal with my 2 girls!
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