Thursday, April 1, 2010

We have liftoff.


Here are the videos, as promised! She's getting better by the minute!

Only in the south can you get a girl to crawl for some sweet tea! (She didn't really drink it, just loves to chew on the straw.)

Emma Crawling from Susan Gilchrist on Vimeo.

Emma in the Dog Food! from Susan Gilchrist on Vimeo.

Original Post:

So for quite some time now Emma's been moving and shaking. I can't leave her in a room unattended for more than 2 seconds without coming back and finding her across the room and into something. It's nearly impossible to change her diaper without a huge fight - her life's mission is to flip over onto her belly. If you've ever tried to cloth diaper a baby upside down, you know how tough it is. She's DEFINITELY learning the meaning of the word "no" right now, but it's tough to have a huge fight everytime she sees the changing table :( She rolls, scoots, pulls herself with her hands, gets up on her hands and knees and scoots name it, she does it. Well, today my big girl did it. She crawled! When I say she crawled, I mean she moved her hands one at a time and her knees one at a time. She's NEVER done that before! She showed off for all of the ladies at my mom's office and performed perfectly each time, like she'd been doing it forever! I hesitate to tell you what she was crawling FOR......well, she's a southern girl, so I'll tell ya. Chick-Fil-A sweet tea. And yes, I let her try it when she got it. Technically, she chewed the straw and never even got to taste the tea, but the straw was worth crawling for over and over again! I can't wait for her Daddy to get home and see her! I'll make sure to get some video later and post it as soon as I can. I'm so proud!! :)

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