Saturday, October 10, 2009


I know that although there are a lot of people who read this blog that have actually MET Emma by now, there are also a lot that haven't. I thought I'd post a couple of videos from my camera so that you can see her "in action." It's hard to see her personality very well in pictures. Here she is getting a bath. I almost didn't post it, for her own privacy, but how long will I actually be able to get away with showing her little dimply butt?? So, if you have a problem with nekkid baby butts, don't click "play." You'll hear me telling her "you're NOT a big girl, you're Mama's baby" in the video. Whenever she does something new or "big" like wanting to stand up all the time, I tell her that, while she may THINK that she's a big girl, she's still my little baby. Wonder how long that will last?? I'm sure it won't be nearly long enough.

Emma's Bath from Susan Gilchrist on Vimeo.

This video is the cutest ever. When Emma gets out of the bath, her Daddy lotions her up with a little baby massage. He uses a different accent every night and she just beams at him. She loves her Daddy! I just treasure this video - the sweetest thing to watch. Hope you enjoy them!

Lotion from Susan Gilchrist on Vimeo.

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