Monday, May 14, 2012


Get ready for photo overload!  Consider yourself warned.

We had a fabulous and very laid back Easter this year.  We did a photo shoot the day before Easter with MckMama (any of you who follow other Mommy-Blogs will know of her).  It went really well and we should be getting the CD in the mail soon, so I'll be sure to share!  

We had a great time coloring Easter eggs.  Emma was ALL into it, and Abby supervised the operation.

Easter fell on Brad's 30th birthday this year, which he was very excited about (NOT!).  We woke up to see all of the loot that the Easter Bunny left the girls.  They were both pretty excited!

We headed to church and met Mimi there.  The girls did great!  They both made it through most of the service, though Abby was sleepy, but not sleepy enough to fall asleep.  We all took turns passing her back and forth/wrestling with her.  Emma even prayed out loud with the priest once.  :)

After church we went to Mimi's to have Easter lunch and an Easter egg hunt.  It was Abby's first egg hunt and she loved it!  She went down for a nap as soon as it was over.  The girls dresses were baby shower gifts from Brad's parents when I was pregnant with Abby.  They wore them for some professional photos when Abby was about 4 months old - and they still fit! Abby's is a 6 month size - told you she was tiny!

These are some of my favorites.  Love how sneaky Abby is while snatching sister's eggs!

After an awesome lunch we headed back home for a nap before dinner with Brad's family to celebrate his birthday and Easter at the same time.  He ended up with 2 cakes that day, so he can't complain too much!

It was a really nice Easter.  I honestly don't remember Easter last year.  My Dad had just passed away and it was all a blur.  This one was much better, though we certainly missed him every second of the day.

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