Wednesday, January 20, 2010

7 Months!

I know that I say it all the time, but my baby girl really is growing up. Let's see......She turns 7 months old in 2 days, she's eating 2, sometimes 3 meals of real food a day, most of which I make. She LOVES pears, peaches, and prunes. She tolerates green beans, peas, applesauce, bananas, and pumpkin. The only thing that she CANNOT get down is squash, though she didn't realize I snuck some in with some pears once and she was able to tolerate them. She is finally starting to make some babbling sounds. She wears 9 month clothes. We are still doing cloth, but if we weren't, she'd be in a size 3 diaper. She's quite the hair puller lately - my hair, Brad's beard, the cats.......we're working on the word "no!" She's pulled hair for awhile, but it's recently gotten pretty painful and has turned into a game - she loves it when I scream! We'll fix that. Her sleep is still not great. It really varies from one day to the next. One day she takes 2, 3 hour naps and sleeps like a champ, waking up once to eat. The next, she takes 30 minute naps at the most, and wakes up 4 times to eat at night. Still working on it. She's sitting up!! Have I already mentioned that she's sitting up??? Cuz she is. And I'm proud. Can you tell??? She rarely falls over, and when she does it's no big deal. No traumatic brain injuries yet!

SO proud!

Love this bald little head!

Playing with her busy ball from her Aunt Elaine and Uncle George.

"I see Lucy!" - she's REALLY wanting to play with Lucy these days!

Playing on the floor with Grandmother, showing off!

We've been jet-setting lately. We went to see my Grandpa and Aunt Claire, Uncle David, and Jamie and Jack in Thomson on Saturday. The trip went SO well. Emma was pretty good in the car. She only napped for 20 minutes on the trip up there in her "fortress of solitude," - Brad's clever little invention. When she can see out of the windows of the car she gets all keyed up and stares out the window, keeping her awake. So he decided to cover her up like a bird in a cage. It works! Put her in her fortress, play a little Dixie Chicks "Lullaby," and she's usually out.

"The Fortress of Solitude"

Smilin at my Great-Grandpa!

Aunt Claire loving on Emma after a LONG nap!

She took a good 2 hour nap at Claire's and was a perfect angel the rest of the time. She visited with her Great-Grandpa and her Aunt Claire. She did ok on the ride home. Ok, but not great.

We got an exciting package last week! Do you remember her snowman hat?? Brad's Aunt Gerri made it for her. She and her sisters and Brad's mom also made Emma a gorgeous baby quilt when she was born. As soon as I realized that I actually knew someone who was that creative and artistic, I BEGGED her to make Emma another one. Well, we got them in the mail - not one, but 2! They are SOOO cute! What I really love is that their sized so that they will fit her forever. I can roll them up now and can unroll them when she gets older. How cute are they???

Seriously, does it GET any cuter???? She looks like a little Fraggle!

LOVE this one!

One last picture. The other day we went to Brad's parents house for dinner. He sat in the back with Emma and I drove. When we got there I went around to get Emma out while Brad got the "stuff." This is what I saw.

So stinkin cute!!!


CarolynCraddock said...

OMG... I LOVE THE FIRST HAT SHE HAS ON!! Can I hire her to make one for Kaitlyn??

Jackelyn said...

I want a hat for Calleigh! Too cute. Can't believe how big she is getting. Love the Lily frog she is holding in the carseat. Calleigh LOVES that thing - wish it sang more than just counting!!!