Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Ch, ch, changes!

My little girl is getting too big for her britches these days! She's growing so much and so fast that I can barely keep track of her. This week alone she's decided that she's going to go from a "laying back" kind of girl to a "sitting up" kind of girl. She's working hard at it, but can already sit for SEVERAL seconds by herself, and can right herself if she starts to "tump over," as we say.

Tonight she decided that she would feed herSELF..........feet. Brad had just gotten her out of the tub and they were in the middle of her lotion routine, the one that I posted the video of earlier. When I got out of the shower, she was laying, completely nekkid (yes I KNOW how to spell 'naked.' However, 'naked' means you have no clothes on, 'nekkid' means you have no clothes on and you're up to something!). She had both feet in her mouth and he was taking her picture! She's been playing with her feet for a while, even trying to pull socks off within the last week or so, but putting them in her mouth was new. I think maybe having the diaper off helped - it IS a little cumbersome around the belly.

One foot......

Two foot......
(thank GOD there's no 'red foot, blue foot!')

I'm trying to think of what else she's been doing........I can no longer sit her in the bouncy seat without a seat belt on and walk away. She refuses to lay back anymore and yesterday I found her sitting straight up in it, staring at me. She had apparently dropped her cow toy and was trying to reach it. Well EXCUUUUUUSE me! She is also getting a little.....pardon the expression, pissy in the car again. When I go to put her in the carseat, she doesn't want to lay back - because she's a 'sittin up' kind of girl these days, you know. I have to push her back in the seat to strap her in, which pisses her off to no end.

Tomorrow is her 6 month check-up and I'm DREADING it. I think I'd rather have a root canal, though I've never had one before. I'm pretty sure I'd rather deal with the pain than have a cranky, feverish, unhappy, miserable, whiny, fuss-butt of a little girl for days on end. I'm hoping and praying that it isn't as bad as last time. Yes, it's the hardest thing ever to see her in pain with the shots, but the last experience taught me that the repercussions of the shots are much, much worse than the shots themselves. She was SO miserable. Ick.

I'm glad that our appointment is in the morning though because we're going to get snow tomorrow!!!! We're praying for a snow day for Brad on Friday so he can stay home with us. Between you and me, I'm pretty sure he'll be here. He refuses to jinx it though :)

My sweetest angel in the world.

Can you tell by this look how much she adores her Daddy??


Lindsey said...

She is soooo adorable!!! XOXO Lindsey Higginbotham

CarolynCraddock said...

Oh girl.. just wait till she starts crawling and pulling up... then it is really on!!! Kaitlyn TRULY hates the car now! But ... it is so worth every change... it is so fun and amazing to watch them change and grow.. it happens so fast!! Emma is too stinking cute by the way!