Friday, September 30, 2011

Emma Claire

I've been meaning to do a post just about my sweet EC, but I just haven't sat down and done it.  I want to make sure to remember all of the hysterical things she says, and know that she she says so many that I'll end up forgetting some.  This girl talks a mile a minute these days and she never fails to crack me up.  So here goes.

The other day, Abby stayed with Mimi while we went "chopping" at Target.  :)

She LOVES to cook in her pretend kitchen.  She'll bring me a cup and say "here, lemonade."  She'll take a pretend drink of hers and say "deeeeee-licious."

She was in time-out in the hallway the other day.  She was crying and fussing (mostly pretending) and then I heard her instantly stop crying and say "heeeeere Sissy!  Come here, Sissy.  Whatcha doin, Sissy?  Wanna play?"  Sissy is the cat, in case you don't know.

When we pass Citgo she says "Look mom!  Triangle!"

She adores Chick-Fil-A.  Only she doesn't call it Chick-Fil-A.  She calls it "pillow chicken."  We're not exactly sure why, but she can spot the sign a mile away.  

She loves eating shabeggy (spaghetti), blockly (broccoli), and hummus (thomas).  She also likes spigots......biscuits!  She also recently had boiled okra (YUCK!) for the first time with Mimi and loved it.

Mom and Bailey were over the other day and Bailey was sitting in such a way that Emma couldn't get between he and I to walk through.  She started shouting "OPEN!"  You know, like it was a door.

She loves bathtime and watching the "vortex" after the tub drains.

She adores watching kids shows on Netflix during breakfast.  She makes sure to tell me "it's loading" and "it's thinking" if it takes a second to start.

If she hears an airplane she says "leeeeeesten!  Hear it?"

Just before she goes to bed she says "I stay in bed?"  She's heard it enough!

Sometimes after she is supposed to be asleep, Brad or I will hear her pushing the grilling buttons on her kitchen.  I'll ask him what he wants to order since she's apparently up late working her second job as a fry cook.

She still adores Yo Gabba Gabba and can do a lot of the dances on the show.  She particularly loves the "Twirly Lurly" (Twirly Whirly) and the "Chomp, Chomp, Chippy, Chippy, Chomp"  (an alligator dance).

She has started to sing along with me when I sing, instead of finishing lines.  She loves to sing "I love Jesus" (Jesus Loves Me), and "This little light of mine."  She also knows most of the words to Copa Cabana (I know, I'm strange).  If I sing "Her name was Emma," she follows up with "she was a showgirl" and continues from there.  She can sing every single word of "Daisy, Daisy, Give me your answer do."

She's a huge climber these days.  She climbs on the side table in the living room on a daily basis and the other day she disappeared from her bedroom where all 4 of us had been playing.  Brad found her sitting in the center of our kitchen table, eating goldfish.

She mostly calls Brad "Dad."  If he's not answering her when she calls him the first time, she changes it up.  He's called "Pappy", "Papps", "Chacho", and "Brad" most everyday.

She has an awesome sense of humor.  She calls Lucy "Loose Goose" and Abby is "Abbs Abbs", "Abby Gwail" or "Abby the Gwail."  I can't blame her, I rarely call either one of them by their actual names.

Speaking of nicknames, Emma has several.  Emmanems, Nemmers, Nem, Eeema Neeema, Neem.  She will answer to any of them. 

She often refers to herself as Emma Claire.  She'll be climbing on the table to get my attention.  When I ignore her, she says "What are you DOING Emma Claire?!"

She loves to watch "Mickey Mouse Cluh-house."

Instead of saying "can I help you?" she says "you help me?"  And instead of "I want some" she says "You want some?"

She can count to 14.  After that, it just gets funny!

I'm sure there are a million more, but those are the ones that immediately come to mind.

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