Friday, August 28, 2009


This won't be a long post because I only have a few minutes while Emma naps, but we've had some doctor's appointments over the last 2 days and I thought I'd update.

Emma had her appointment yesterday. It was an experience. When we got there, there were signs on the doors advising that they have seen an influx of influenza and that if your child has a cough and/or fever, come to the desk to get a mask. I saw 3 kids come in and get a mask while we waited. Scary. When we got back to the exam room, I asked the nurse if it was the regular flu, or swine flu. She said "swine flu." She told me (and the doctor did as well) that they had 20 cases of confirmed swine flu on Wednesday morning alone! They had 6 more after lunch. Scary. When I mentioned that the news had been reporting that Rockdale county was the only one with confirmed cases in schools, she said "No. It's in Dekalb - I can promise you that." Scary. She said it's particularly bad in Decatur. Ick.

Anyway, Emma weighs 12 lbs. 5 oz! She's in the 90th percentile for her weight! She's also 23 inches - 75th percentile there. She's a big girl! She had 2 shots yesterday, one in each thigh. I had a long talk with the doctor about shot schedules. She had a lot of good points and I really respected what she had to say. A lot of research has gone into the current recommended shot schedule and it's the most effective way to prevent childhood illnesses. In the end, I caved. On the plus side, I feel much more educated about vaccines and I really feel like Emma's doctor is very knowledgeable about it. She cried SO hard with the shots! She's had 2 in the past and only cried for a second and not very hard. This time she was hysterical - she was crying real tears for the first time ever. As soon as the nurse left, I cried with her! She eventually calmed down and I nursed her before we left. She was pretty fussy last night, but seems better this morning. I also got my flu shot while we were there. I didn't cry over that one. :)

My doctor's appointment was this morning. My mom went with me to help with Emma, which was good because she was awake for a good deal of it. The ultrasound showed that the cyst is the same size it was a month ago, which helps the doctor's think it's not cancerous. We'll schedule surgery sometime hopefully within the next 3 weeks. I'm waiting for a call from them to schedule. They are hoping to remove it laproscopically, in which case I'll be home that night. If, for some unlikely reason, they have to go in through a larger incision, I'll be in the hospital for 2 nights and 3 days. It's not likely, and I'm praying it doesn't end up that way. It's fairly likely that I'll lose my ovary, but the doctor told me today that my other one will compensate and I'll still ovulate every month. It will be very possible to still get pregnant in the future, though I may go through early menopause at some point.

I'm dreading the surgery because I don't want to be away from Emma for so long and I feel like I really just recovered from her birth. I'm ready to have my body back! The recovery period is only 5-7 days, and Brad is going to take off the week with me to help. I'm pumping as much as possible now to have enough bottles for Emma while I can't nurse. Mom will be staying home with her while Brad comes with me to the hospital. I'm ready to get it over with. It will be nice to have a break from doctors for awhile!

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