Thursday, August 18, 2011

2 Months

Once again, time is flying. Abigail is 11 weeks old, actually. It's so hard to believe. She has fit into our little family so perfectly and so seamlessly that it's like she's always been here. She's growing so fast and changing daily. Here are some updates on our little angel.

Abby is wearing 0-3 or 3 month clothes. It's time to put away the newborn stuff!

She's still a peanut. She is SO much smaller than Emma was.

She still has her pretty dark brown hair and her blue eyes. I hope she keeps both!

She is cloth diapered, and still wears XS diapers, with a few smalls thrown in.

Her favorite time of day is bathtime. She gets a bath every other day, and alternates with a "cat bath" next to the sink in our bathroom. She LOVES starting at herself in the mirror!

Her favorite toy is the bead toy that my Dad made. Emma enjoyed it, but it's Abby's best friend! She talks to it, coos at it, and smiles. She loves grabbing the beads and bells when I'm changing her.

She's such a happy baby. She only fusses when she gets really sleepy.

She's sleeping SO well! In fact, last night she slept 8 hours straight, followed by another 3.5 after a feeding.

She takes 2 scheduled naps a day. I've pretty much gotten her on Emma's schedule, though she dozes in between naps. I'm pretty sure she'll end up with a 3rd nap, but it's so nice to have her napping when her sister does.

Emma adores her "baby sisser" still. She loves to stroke her hair, kiss her head, and bring her toys to show her. She also loves it when Abby does things that she asks. For example "throwing" a ball when Emma brings it to her - Emma cracks up.

She smiled for her Daddy for the first time yesterday! She's been smiling at me forever, but he hasn't really worked for it. He finally got a huge, gummy grin last night. I think it made his day.

She finally likes her swing. She used to hate it, but love her bouncy seat. Now it's the other way around. She tends to get what my Dad called "back-itis" when she sits in her bouncy seat. She HAS to be moved. If I take her out of the bouncy and put her in the swing, she's completely happy.

She's such a happy baby - I just can't get over it. She is so content to sit in her swing while we eat. Emma was the opposite - it was like she could smell the food and had to be held. This is SO much nicer!

She wore her first "hair click" as Emma calls them, yesterday! She's got so much more hair than Emma did, though she's losing a little in the back. :(

Her baptism is coming up in a few weeks! Her godparents are Brad's Dad's aunt and uncle, George and Elaine. We can't wait for them to come up from south Florida to meet their god-daughter!

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